Acne skincare

« ...One of the most effective ways of treating scars is dermabrasion. The skin is removed with a high speed brush under localized anesthetic in the area. However this cannot be used for ice pick scars and for persons with a dark skin as they will show changes in the pigmentation of the area. Something similar to dermabrasion is microdermabrasion which again removes the skin on the surface but not with high speed brushes but with aluminum oxide crystals. This is not very effective in removing scars unless they are very shallow....
...If you are suffering from acne then you are not alone. There are literally thousands of people who wake up in the mornings and find it very difficult to even look in the mirror because they are scared of the image they will see. I had this experience several months ago and am very proud to say my acne is all gone and never to come back....»

«...On-prescription tips on how to get rid of acne are prescribed by a dermatologist and can include ointments that can be applied on the affected area or oral antibiotics or just any topical ointment. In some case your doctor may suggest the pustules are drained of harmful contents under local anesthetic, this is a minor procedure which if carried out by yourself could result in skin damage....»
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tags: acid salicylique topical acne, hair loss, fatigue,dry skin,poor memory, acne, how to get rid of acne