How to get rid of acne during pregnancy

« ...Millions of people buy various acne products each year in the hopes that they can say goodbye to their acne forever. Sadly, hardly anything actually works and many people are left worrying that they will never get rid of pimples. Fortunately, there are natural acne treatments that will clear your skin completely - you just need to make sure they follow the "special rule" of treating acne....
...The theory on why it works is that by eating nothing but apples, the pectin in the apples clears the toxins from your digestive system, which normally cause acne. By not having those toxins anymore, your acne should clear up......»
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«...There is a great deal of evidence that poor diet is a significant factor in making acne outbreaks much more likely, especially for those who are prone to acne anyway. Too many saturated fats, found in many fast foods, many vegetable oils, found in many snacks such as chips and biscuits, lots of processed sugar, found in many soft drinks, canned foods and ready-made meals, and regularly excessive amounts of alcohol and caffeine all tend to overwhelm the immune system of the body making infections such as acne more likely....»
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tags: hormonal causes of acne treatment, juliet's acne wash, best way to stop acne